Most of the kodi users are getting “No Steam Available” error while they were trying to watch any kind of videos at any where. For those users the kodi developers had to introduce a pairing server known as https pair in this article we are giving some methods to pair your kodi software with this latest server.
From this guidelines you can know how to fix flashx pair error with the latest methods such as
- Stream Authorization Method
- By Using URL Resolver
- “Turn Off” Hosters with capctha option in your kodi
So let’s get started with easily understanding steps.
How To On Kodi 17&18 By Using Stream Authorization Method
Mostly this error would be occurred while trying to watch a movie through any kind of addons. I mean while you were trying to open a movie through the different addons then you would get a pop up like “To play this video Stream authorization is required”.
At that times you need to follow the below mentioned steps.
- “” open this address from a new tab
- Fill the “User Registration Form” and then open your “Registered Mail”
- Click on the “Confirmation Link”, hen here you need to hit on “Verify Me” and again open same link “” “Pair Now” options
That’s it with this simple procedure your kodi device can get paired with the flashx tv pair, and your device is eligible for streaming any kind of videos up to four hours duration.
Fix The Error By Using URL Resolver
You need to install the URL resolver to enjoy the free hassle streaming on your kodi by different addons. So follow the below steps.
- Click on “Package Installer icon” from the kodi home screen
- Now hit on “Install From Zip File” > Ten select “”
- Now come back to “Kodi Home Screen” > Click on “Settings” icon > Chose “System Settings”
- Hit on “Settings Of System” which located beneath of the screen
- Hit on “Basic” untill it converted to the “Standard or Advanced”
- Hit on “Addons” > “Manage Dependencies” > Select “URL Resolver Addon”
- Finally hit on “Update”
If you update the URL resolver then all dependencies will be resolved which weren’t working background of the kodi. So automatically the flashx will be paired with your kodi IP address and you can use its service.
Turn Off Hosters with capctha option in your kodi
Some times all the unwanted captcha would have been save in your kodi software. That time also your kodi would not pair with this, so you must have to clear all the unwanted captca permanently with by turning off the hosters with captcha option.
- Select your “Favorite Addon” > Hit on “Tools” > Chose “Settings: Playback”
- Now “Turn Off” the “Hosters With Captchas” option
That’s it With the above stream authorization method you can pair your kodi device with the flshx pair by using the IP address, if it doesn’t work you must have to change some settings in your kodi by using the remaining two mthods.
I hope this will be help full to every users. Thank you for spending your valuable time and i hope you got best result in consideration.